Winterizing Your Windows
As the colder weather approaches, there are a variety of steps you should take to prepare your home for the winter. One of the most important things to think about is your windows. By winterizing your windows, you can help ensure your home’s interior is warm and comfortable no matter how cold it gets outside. Here’s what you need to know about winterizing your windows and preparing them for the winter.
Inspect Your Windows for Damage
The first step in preparing your windows for winter is taking a good look at them. You’ll want to inspect your windows from the inside and the outside to identify any signs of damage, air infiltration, or other issues that may need to be addressed. In particular, look at the seals around your window frames and glass area to make sure your windows can properly keep the cold air out.
Add Caulk and Weatherstripping
One of the most common window maintenance steps you may need to take at your home includes re-caulking the windows. The caulk forms a seal around the outer edges of the window to block our air leaks. However, this caulk can deteriorate over time. Fortunately, you can re-caulk the windows yourself without having to repair or replace the entire window. Additionally, adding some weatherstripping around the edges of your windows can help to keep the cold air out, further insulating and protecting your home from harsh weather.
Consider Storm Windows and Insulation
The cold winter weather is also a good time to add more layers of insulation to your windows. Storm windows, similar to storm doors, can be installed outside of your existing windows to add an extra layer of protection that serves to further insulate your windows. Other insulation options include purchasing a window insulation kit or adding energy-efficient window treatments to your windows.
Consider a Window Replacement Project
If you’ve been exploring your options for winterizing your windows but your windows are in bad shape, you may be better off considering a window replacement project instead. Older windows that are drafty, have single-paned glass, or have rotting frames may not be able to be properly winterized. In these cases, it’s best to get your windows replaced altogether. When you invest in new energy-efficient replacement windows for your home, you won’t have to worry about taking other winterization steps to keep your home safe and warm.
Turn to the Window Professionals at Exterior Pros
At Exterior Pros, we proudly offer window replacement services for homeowners throughout the greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area. If you’re concerned about the condition of your windows or have a question about the best options for winterizing your windows, you can rely on our professionals to provide you with the services and solutions you need. We can assess your windows and determine if our window replacement services are the right option for you.
To learn more about winterizing your windows or to get started on a window replacement project at your home in the greater Milwaukee, WI, area, contact Exterior Pros today.